u Young people constitute a large and rapidly growing proportion of the population in most countries of Africa and in many parts of the world as a whole. Youth in Tanzania form important part in the community and have great Impact on national development strategies and policies. u The Tanzania National Youth Policy defines young people as persons aged between 15-35 years. This definition is broader than that of United Nations (UN), which is 15-24 years. The policy definition is in line with the provisions of the African Youth Charter (2006). u Young people aged 15-35 years make up 34.7% of the total population in Tanzania as per the 2012 National Census. Youth live in a rapidly changing world, faced with many pressures. They face challenges such as Unemployment, illiteracy, ignorance, sense of hopelessness and inequality that act an as hindrance to utilize their potentials for community development. u However, the government...
OBJECTIVES OF YOPOCODE ORGANIZATION i. To promote education that empower Youth in realizing and utilizing potentials for community development. ii. To facilitate establishment of Youth economic groups iii. To support Youth involvement and participate in community development iv. To promote Reproductive health education to Youth and fight against HIV/AIDS endemic. v. To support policy and institutional change that stimulates Youth to engage in economic activities.